Catto Boi's Collection Series


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(1 edit) (+6)(-1)

This is an unauthorized reupload of my old games. Please take this down immediately, thank you.

(3 edits) (-3)


what is wrong? these games are not even paid some of them,

also mango-ki, how come this foo can stay up???? :

if they even take it down how come you don't have these on your profile and only a 2 DOLLAR GAME BRO

can't wait till this guy gets taken off and NOBODY CAN PLAY THE OG CATTO BOI 

(1 edit) (+2)(-1)

Being toxic isn't really the way to go. You didn't even ask for permission before uploading this onto; this is an unauthorized reupload  of a collection of games you didn't make, which is against's guidelines. 

Additionally, I do not want the old versions to be distributed anywhere online, so please take your reupload down immediately.

Edit: My mistake, I thought you uploaded this due to your reply, ultraman12 uploaded this collection instead


alright thanks, this is not my collection, i will notify the owner that you said to take it down.

Deleted 331 days ago

Please add catto boi trouble in love land!


Thank you